Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Beautiful Chilliwack

This is how we spent part of our Sunday afternoon. Throwing rocks. Climbing rocks. Marveling at God's creation - both the the nature around us and these little characters. Oh they make us smile. Most of the time..

Time with Daddy is precious at this time of the year. The countdown to the end of basketball season is approaching. Of course, we have the provincials to get through. The provincials which Unity is hosting this year (insert groan). Because the games are usually at 8pm and we have 3 small children I'm not involved like I used to be when I would tour small town Alberta with Mike and his teams.

Provincials will be an exciting time for Mike. And me? I'm looking forward to getting my partner back - That said, I have the solo three children bedtime routine down pretty nicely. Tonight there was only one meltdown. With only moderate wailing...

But don't they look angelic?

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Friday, February 17, 2012


Why I have whole wheat flour mixed in with my white.. The 2-year-old wins again.

I should note that prior to finding this scene I was panicking out because I couldn't find her anywhere in the house - I looked in all the rooms, closets etc. and somehow forgot about my major kid magnet, the pantry. First came relief, then irritation- I had just cleaned the floors after all- and finally, laughter and a dash for the camera. Monkey.

Reminder to self- child lock on pantry door knob.
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