Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Card Dilemma

I need some help deciding on the 2011 Campbell Christmas card photo. Please weigh in with your favourite..


  1. The composition is better on the first. Does that help? They are both adorable.

  2. Thanks Betty, though I took off the collage photos - you couldn't actually tell that Coby was screaming her head off for all of the front porch shots!

  3. I personally pick the bottom one--it is such an honest portrayal of the "truth about family pictures" and will make everyone feel so much better that they are, in fact, normal. Unlike all those picture-perfect Christmas cards that we normally receive that make us feel like bad mothers. Imagine what good you could do for mothers everywhere...

  4. DEFINITELY the second one. I CANNOT wait to have it on my fridge. :)

  5. the second one is so hilarious. i love finn's expression, the fact that asher is out cold and coby...lets just say i am wincing from the high pitch just looking at her. i vote #2 and you can show it to her when she is older in one of those 'you owe me' moments.

  6. I like #2 as well. Coby looks just like you, even when she screams!!!!! You realize you can under NO circumstances send anything else after all these votes.....we are expecting that photo to make us all laugh.

  7. Yeah, I want #2 on my fridge. We all know she's not actually crying, just wailing along to some rocker chick theme song, hitting the high note.

  8. #2 all the way - talk about real life! (It's like Coby just realized she has 2 brothers.)

  9. Thanks guys, I guess I did ask, looks like our cover of having perpetually happy was blown -oh, right that delusion was shattered long ago when you watched me drag my children off the playground.
